Winter Unlocked 2021
The Department for Education and Wandsworth council provided the studio funding to coordinate a programme of events that provided healthy food and enriching activities around wellbeing and Nutrition to disadvantaged / at risk children during the Christmas Holidays.
The project was open to all children in Wandsworth who receive benefits related Free School Meals On Da Beat studio are hosting a series of workshops around Nutrition, Wellbeing, Self-defence and Discipline as well as entrepreneurship.
Part of the funding had to be geared towards promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging sports and physical activities. We used boxing as the perfect way to illustrate how to combine healthy lifestyle and a physical activity.
During the two week christmas holiday four boxing and kickboxing lessons were held which were attended by children from the local area. The boxing lessons were paired with workshops hosted by entrepreneurs in the Food & Wellbeing space.
The aims of the programme are to encourage children to:
- eat more nutritiously over the winter holidays,
- take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing, along with their wider educational attainment,
- be safe and not to be socially isolated,
- have a greater knowledge of nutrition and wellbeing,
- be more engaged with school and other local services,
- The workshops were also open to parents as there was a drive to ensure signposting and advice is available for families who participate in this programme, and develop their understanding of nutrition.